Picture of Thomas McGrath

Thomas McGrath

Thomas McGrath is Chief Commercial Officer of TXODDS and has two decades' worth of experience in the sports betting industry.
TXODDS-branded image - soccer player represented in an abstract data field

How To Use Sports Betting Analytics for Your Business in 2024

With the number of users in the sports betting market expected to reach 181.9 million by 2028, it’s fair to say that technology has helped the industry grow. Let’s take a look at what data analytics involves, how it affects sports betting and how you can make that part of your business plan.

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Statistics represented in an abstract data environment

Sports Betting Statistics and Trends for 2024

It’s the perfect time to look back on the previous year of sports betting. Not only does that give us valuable insights about last year’s performance, but it also informs what we do this year. Using sports betting statistics, we’ll analyse significant activity in global sports betting markets during 2023.

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A Marketing thought bubble

Guide to Marketing Your Sports Betting Business Online

It’s a competitive market out there, which is why sports betting marketing plays such an important role in your success. While a few ads can get some attention, a marketing strategy with several elements is more likely to maximise your ROI.

Read on to find out how accurate and well-displayed data combined with helpful content can expand your customer base. Plus, get some tips on how to retain existing customers and impress users who haven’t made up their minds just yet.

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